Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Matching doll outfits

I made matching doll outfits for Ellie and her best friend Karstyn. I was going to make jumpers but didn't have quite enough fabric. The fabric was in a pack of scraps I bought at our church garage sale for $1!
The shirts are 0-6 month onesies from the Dollar Tree, they fit the American Girls almost perfect.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter bags

Here are a few Easter bags I sewed for various kids to find Easter morning (or in their mail box)! I got the idea from the purl bee.

And some bunny eggs we made last year, I think we saw these in Family Fun magazine.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Captain American

There is a new Captain America movie coming out this summer. Michael will be too young to see it but Captain American stuff has been popping up in the stores. Instead of spending $20 for a shirt I thought I'd make him one.

I used scraps from old t-shirts and attached them with heat and bond then stitched around the edges.

He's ready to battle evil now!

School auction outfit

The kid's school had an auction this past weekend and I mad a girl and doll matching outfit.
The doll shirt is from the dollar tree, it was size 6-9 months but fit Ellie's American Girl doll after I trimmed the sleeves. The skirt I didn't use a pattern for, I just winged it and it turned out great!

The girl shirt is from Target (anytime I see plain shirts on clearance I'll buy a bunch) that I appliqued with a flower. The skirt is the MADE circle skirt. I changed it a little by adding lining and I enclosed the waistband. My friend Jessica made a matching bow to go along the the outfit. I hope whoever won it is happy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Doll outfit

As previously posted while we were in Indiana we visited Shiisa Quilts. Since it was close to Ellie's birthday I lent her pick out some fabric. She wanted a jumper for her doll, I used simplicity pattern 2296. I'm really glad I bought this pattern, I got it at Joanns during a $0.99 pattern sale, I've used it quite a few times. I don't usually follow the directions just use it to get the right size for a 18 inch doll.

The yellow pants are made from an old t-shirt, again I used the pattern to get the right size.